Editor's noteOpinion

Motion to appoint new premier is not a sign of ubuntu

Where is Ubuntu among those supporting that motion?

Ubuntu, botho or humanism seems to be cast in the backseat by politicians with endless calls for the election of a new premier by the EFF in the provincial legislature.

My gripe with this motion in the legislature stems from a humane point of view that whatever a person’s status may be, he should be treated and not be regarded as a political enemy.

Where is Ubuntu among those supporting that motion?

I wonder if the same can befall those politicians. Would they accept removal from their positions because they have been sick too long?

Besides, in my view, they stand to benefit nothing by removing the premier.

Their motion in the legislature – even if they should do it through legislation – would be outvoted and a new premier remain an ANC candidate.

I think honourable members in the house, should focus on deliverable matters in the legislature and make sure they raise matters on which they have been mandated by the electorate.

Poor communities out there are facing a serious drought, as we speak.

Who has raised that matter in the legislature and come up with resolutions?

We’ve been sitting with water provision and supply problems to communities for far too long.

We need solutions to come out of their debates in the legislature, not personal matters as we are witnessing currently.

The honourable members are lucky that for now communities have calmed down and not resorted to protesting.

Ubuntu, botho as I said in the beginning, needs to take its course in their hearts and minds, that they need to all work together to find solutions to communities’ problems and resolve them, period!

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