
Here’s how you know if you are the side chick

More often than not, some women find themselves on the side chick wheel, after the relationship has taken off.

Sometimes you are not bluntly told that you are the other woman, well, here are the blatant signs that you are the side chick.

  1. He doesn’t make plans in advance.

If all plans must be made the night before, with no exceptions, then he’s shady, and you need to cut him loose!

  1. He’s glued to his phone at all  times

There’s probably something going on if he won’t let you take a peek at his phone, never mind thoroughly going through it, or if he guards it with his life. Or if he has you saved under a fake name, Pizza Hut, Delivery Guy…. Whatever the case, sister! You have to let go.

  1. Your dates are strictly set for week nights.

Why? Because weekends are reserved for the “main chick,” and that’s not you.

  1. No PDA.

Like, ever! Public Display of Affection is out of the question, not even holding hands. There’s the main chick for that.

  1. You’ve never met his friends, and him yours.


Girl, if he wasn’t already in a relationship, he’d definitely let you meet some of his friends by now. Meeting your friends as well would be a pleasure to him, but then again, we know he has met a group of friends already. Come on…


  1. He never spends the night.

Slight chance, it’s because he has to go home to someone else. Next!

  1. He doesn’t post any pics of you on social media.

To be honest, if there are no signs of you on his social media pages, you basically don’t exist – even that coffee mug he Instagram’d two weeks ago is more important to him than you.

  1. He doesn’t even allow you to follow him, or post stuff on his Facebook timeline.

Major red flag, ladies. MAJOR. He doesn’t want you blowing his cover!

  1. You’ve never seen his place.

Does he even have a place? Is he homeless? What is going on?!

  1. He ‘breaks up’ with you before major holidays and long weekends.

Or he goes M.I.A. Guess what? The reason he has fallen off the face of the planet on Valentine’s Day or Christmas, is because he’s spending it with another lady that’s not you and another family that’s not yours. Pro tip: February 13th and 15th are known as “National Side Chick Day.”

  1. You always call him, and he rarely picks up.

Straight to voicemail for the 100th time? Maybe it’s because he’s with his other boo, the official one.

  1. Booty calls are the only type of calls he makes.

When you actually do talk on the phone, it’s always around 2 a.m. when he’s drunk or in the mood.

  1. You kind of don’t really know anything about him.

Beyond that he’s a human being (you think), you know absolutely nothing about him. Where does he work? What is his mom’s name? Does he like Game of Thrones? Who. Is. He?!

  1. His dog can’t stand you.

Ding, ding, ding! You’re the side chick. If the dog is used to seeing him with another lady, it will let you know (via pee or barking) that you don’t belong there. Now it’s time to remember your worth and move on!

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