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Dating for money

Many people are vulnerable since they get themselves into relationships for money, they end up dating older men and women of which is danger to them physically and emotionally.

In today’s life it is mainly assumed that money can buy love and a majority of people especially women believe that a man is a man because of his financial status.

It was long believed that women were the only species after money when in a relationship, but latest developments have proven that
the male species are also doing it for money.

A recent survey has shown that more and more men end up dating older women in return for money, fancy clothes and cars.

During a local youth discussion about this matter, many young people raised different interesting views.

One young person who is dating an elder women said he only came in because of money but later felt abused because the woman demanded sexual encounters everyday.

“I was turned into a sex slave but I played along because she gave
money and would sometimes borrow me her car.Since I was not working I had no choice but be her sex slave. So in short, I
chose to be that than to go back in the streets and suffer,” said the young man.

He said even though it pained him to live like that but at the same time enjoyed the way he was perceived in the public when driving her car. He said girls would follow him and that was such a great feeling.

A handful of young women agreed that a man without money doesn’t do for them.

“If I could date a guy who is not working and has no car, I would be fooling myself. Who will do my hair, would a guy who isn’t working take me to fancy restaurants,? asked one young woman.

Some shared their stories and about the dangers of getting into a
relationship for money, and for dating older men who leave them with sexual transmitted viruses.

We want to hear from you, what do you think about this matter?
Can you date a person you do not love just for money?

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