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The homeless and needy get warm winter care

Its a way of ploughing back into the community we live in, in an attempt of meeting the needs of our community and to show them the beauty of having Royal house, although some will dispute that

MATAFFIN – In an effort to positively touch lives, spreading love and keeping needy children and families warmth through the chilly winter months, the local authorities together with a locally based business forum presented 38 school jerseys for needy learners of John Mdluli Primary School and two houses for needy families in the area.

Speaking during the handover Mr Frank Kalogwile, the chairperson of Mataffin Business Forum, said all the alms come courtesy of Siphezi Royal Kraal led by the Nkosi family of Mataffin which had worked jointly with the local business forum, the working committee and concerned groups.

On June 12 members of the working committee presented school jerseys to the delight of the children, most of whom were dressed in torn and tattered uniforms and worn shoes.

Receiving the gifts the principal Mr Eucan Mvila, expressed his gratefulness to the group and mentioned that more still needed to be done as there were many needy and vulnerable children in his school.

“We will be happy if many could follow suit as this winter is extremely cold, it pains us as teachers to see learners coming to school barefoot, in tattered uniforms and with nothing to keep them warm. Blessed is the hand that gives,” said Mvila.

The group also handed a newly built house to one of the eldest and needy resident in the area, 85-year-old Karilos Mpinga,who lives all by himself and solely depends on government pension grants.

His house handover came as an answered prayer for this pensioner who had endured the better part of his life living in a dilapidated wood and plastic shack.”We raised funds from our own pockets and built this house.

We chose him because he is a lonely man with no one to help him and mostly because he is an elder. Elders needs to be cared for,” added Edwin Ngomane. The second one-room house was built for 36-year-old Zodwa Mhlongo of Skomplaas after her wooden shack was gutted by fire in April.

When this journalist enquired why all this generosity at this time when there was so much unrest at Mataffin over land disputes and claimants, members of the group said, “This purely comes from the heart.

Its a way of ploughing back into the community we live in, in an attempt of meeting the needs of our community and to show them the beauty of having Royal house, although some will dispute that.”

It was also revealed that some members of this group had been victims of the recent unrest in which two homes, an office, a tuck shop and a BMW were burnt by angry residents who allegedly demanded the head of one Nkosi, who was alleged to claim chieftaincy and allegedly land to invaders to leave the area. This group however refuted the claims as false and baseless.

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