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No waiting at this border

Mbuzini has become a port of easy entry for the people of Mozambique and Swaziland to make their way into South Africa. The gate is unmonitored and unguarded, making it possible for people to come and go as they please.

Mbuzini has become a port of easy entry for the people of Mozambique and Swaziland to make their way into South Africa. The gate is unmonitored and unguarded, making it possible for people to come and go as they please.

Mpumalanga News visited the gate and could confirm that some people had even taken it upon themselves to take advantage of the business opportunities it provided them.

One of the men who chauffeurs people from Swaziland and Mozambique, known to this publication, says this has been going on for a very long time.

“We see soldiers here, but they don’t really do anything. It has come to a point where we even use the Swaziland currency as well,” he said.

Upon the visit to the gate, people were seen buying petrol from Swaziland in containers, since it was said to be cheaper. “Petrol is expensive in South Africa, and if we can buy it cheaper in Swaziland, why not?” said one man.

The crossing between the three countries seems to have caused Mbuzini to be plagued by many foreign nationals from Swaziland and Mozambique.

“In a space of a three-kilometre radius we have two countries so close to us, no one from the authorities seems to be monitoring these movements, we are the victims of unaccountability.

“Next time they want to complain about xenophobia and foreign nationals taking over, let them sit down and review themselves first. South Africa doesn’t have strict immigration laws, and guess who feels the strain, us, the people on the ground,” concluded the man.

Efforts to get comment from the Department of State Security have been
in vain.

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