
Are opportunities only open to those in politics?

Do I really have to be politically inclined or connected in order to benefit or is it open to everyone?

Mfanumphela Magagula of KaMagugu writes:

I am one of the youths who is desperate to benefit from all the promises that Hagen announced by our government for job opportunities, upskiling and mentorships that will be on offer as they announce their budgets for the new financial year.

My biggest problem is how to go about obtaining these opportunities.

If only the powers  can give us direction on how to access these opportunities, it will change my life for the better as they always pronounce on political platforms.

Do I really have to be politically inclined or connected in order to benefit or is it open to everyone?

Politics are not my kind of game although I do support the ruling party during elections, but I am not benefitting thus far.

One thing that it needs to understand is that we cannot all flock to politics, but we do support its objectives.

Seemingly those at the receiving end are those who are politically connected.

Why is that the case because people like me, and I am sure there many out there, support initiatives of the ruling party, but we are never on the receiving end?

It is about time the ruling party also looks beyond its members for opportunities because of the relentless support we give it during elections.

Open up for us and let us all enjoy the fruits of freedom.

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