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Zamanene truly cares about the continent

Africa Day this year should be dedicated to self-discovery by all Africans, especially locals.

MBOMBELA – Africans should embrace one another and cease aggression and bestow the African continent with a peaceful coexistence.

This was spelled out by Miss Mpumalanga 2015, Zamanene Nene during an exclusive interview with Mpumalanga News when she reflected on the forthcoming Africa Day celebrations taking place on Monday.

“This year’s celebration comes at a time when Africans of all races have been facing a volatile situation in the face of us, South Africans.

They’ve been attacked, had their businesses looted, some were injured and a number of them killed in the process.

This celebration this year should be dedicated to self-discovery by all Africans, especially locals.

“Our local brethren should be educated about their African pride. We should follow the example of other continents like America, Europe, Asia, you name it, that have emerged as unified continents.

Although they have their conflicts, they haven’t showcased the kind of hatred we have displayed for one another as Africans.

It is about time we embraced and learn from one another and live in harmony.

“As Africans, we should support one another economically, socially and politically as we were also supported during our liberation struggle.

“The ultimate goal is to witness a borderless Africa, with free and regulated movement from country to country within the continent.

In the same vein, there should be free trade and economic activity among the countries.

Eventually we must have a sizeable representation in international organisations as the G8,” she explained.

At a local level, Nene disclosed that during her responsible gambling campaigns with her principal sponsor, the Mpumalanga Gambling Board, she will also play a unifying role among Africans within all the communities across the province.

“We have been fortunate, as a province, that no sooner had xenophobic attacks raised their ugly head than they were quelled by the authorities and a united front was established between locals and foreign nationals.

It is intact and will be savoured for a long time. On a parting note, though, I want to call on everybody to celebrate Africa Day with much zest,” she ended.

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