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Ehlanzeni Chess’s decides on main focus point

There will be training camps held during May, June and July.

“During our first meeting this year, we decided that training will be a 2015. We are very excited to present our Chess-playing Community with the training schedule.”

The two committee members concerned with training, Marco Craig and Eddy Bhila, have established the Ehlanzeni coaches forum. It is a holistic training platform where teachers, parents and anyone else interested in coaching chess, get together and share training material, learn how to teach chess, ask questions and share experiences. And who better to lead the pack than Marco and Eddy?

There will be training camps held during May, June and July. These camps are open to any person who would like to attend and are free of charge. From September to November, another five training camps will be held but these compulsory camps will only be for the players who were selected to represent Ehlanzeni Chess at the South African Junior Chess Championships.

The training at these camps will be conducted by various coaches from the Ehlanzeni Chess Forum (some of which are top, senior chess players). The players will be divided into three sections: beginners (one group), intermediate (four groups) and advanced (three groups). Each coach will focus on a different area of chess e.g. opening, middle-game and end-game. The groups will rotate after each session from one coach to another to cover each area. Some areas might take two sessions.

The planned dates for the training camps are as follows:

• May 23, June 13, August 1, September 5, September 19, October 17, November 14, November 28.

07:45-07:55 Dividing players into sections and groups
08:00-09:00 Coaching Session
09:00-09:10 Break
09:10-10:10 Coaching Session
10:10-10:20 Break
10:20-11:20 Coaching Session
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 Coaching Session
12:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Practical (apply what they have learned)
14:00 Departure

A tuck shop will be available with beverages, snacks and lunch. Please bring pocket money! All profits made will be ploughed back into training and development of chess in our region.

Please visit the Ehlanzeni Coaches Forum website to see what has been happening and all the chess material that is available!


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