Action to be taken against Hawks head

The national police commissioner announced yesterday that she has given instructions for internal disciplinary processes to be initiated against Maj Gen Simon Mapyane.

NELSPRUIT – The head of the Hawks in Mpumalanga is to have an internal disciplinary process initiated against him. Maj Gen Simon Mapyane was arrested in May on charges of alleged fraud.

Gen Riah Phiyega, national police commissioner, announced on Tuesday that Mapyane “has a case to answer”. “I have instructed the Deputy National Commissioner for Policing, Lt Gen Kehla Sitole to ensure that an internal disciplinary process is initiated against Mapyane,” she said in a press statement.

Her spokesman, Lt Gen Solomon Makgale, said he could not comment on whether Mapyane would be placed on forced leave or if he will be suspended. “The disciplinary actions up to now have been solely to establish whether there was a prima facie case against him,” Makgale said. “The process going forward will be determined by the deputy national commissioner. He will decide on how the process will unfold.”

Phiyega said in the statement that she had reviewed all the relevant documentation, following the arrest and a parallel internal investigation into the veracity of the allegations against Mapyane.

He allegedly submitted false travel claims to the value of R7 000 in 2010. He is to reappear in the Nelspruit Regional Court on November 27.

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