
Face to Face with Natasha Dos Santos

I believe that the amount of time I was given played an extremely important role in having to inspire, motivate and leave a mark.

• How would you best describe you reign?

Exciting and lovely

• What specific projects were you engaged in?

I’ve been involved with the Mpumalanga Gambling Board as an ambassador for responsible gambling.

My role is to educate the community about the dangers of illegal gambling, as well as the safety when gambling at a licensed establishment.

My target group is the youth at large, as they are more exposed to unregulated gambling activities and usually end up addicted.

My message to them as youth ambassador is to focus on their education as it is one thing that will never hurt, kill or stab them as illegal gambling would do.

Education always bear fruit with great rewards so they always have to focus on that and the development of their own well-being and to go after their dreams to make them come true, not just dream.

I attended the premier’s events whether it is that he is giving out school uniforms to schools or giving whatever the school needs (tables, sports kit etc) as well as going to orphanages to give out blankets.

I do motivation at SOS Village for orphans; drug and alcohol abuse at schools; teenage pregnancy/ HIV/Aids (Zazi); and personal hygiene.

• How would you describe the role you played during your reign?

I believe that the amount of time I was given played an extremely important role in having to inspire, motivate and leave a mark.

Relatability plays a vital role when you are a role model and I feel like I’ve changed lives of those who didn’t believe that dreams do come true when you believe in yourself and your dreams.

I’ve touched lives not financially but mentally. You can never know the change you are bringing until you hear it from people, so from what I’ve been getting via inboxes and other forms of media, really made me see that I am actually doing something because that was my main role.

• What has your role as Miss Mpumalanga done to effect change in you personally, and the community as a whole?

It has made me grow into a better person and to understand so much about myself. Giving myself time to understand the environment I’m in.

The community is proud of me as an individual, as Tash and as a young ambitious person who is not stopping, but only going higher. To always inspire and always lead by example.

• Would you recommend the beauty pageant as a grooming institution for young women? If so why?

It so much is, you get to grow and by growing I mean mentally, physically and emotionally.

It touches on every aspect of you as a person and I will continue being the person that I am right now because I’m enjoying it… this is who I’m supposed to be, a lady with class and confidence who turns heads as she walks in, beauty with a purpose as the Miss World pageant calls it.

• In 2011 you were the queen, how has your life evolved through since then? Describe in detail.

I wasn’t the queen in 2011, I was a finalist and well it was my first entry to this pageant and a pageant as big as this one, at that time I cannot say I was mentally ready because I was still closing in my potential.

I knew I wanted to win because I was not prepared and because of financial constraints and my lack of commitment, I pulled out but when I entered in 2014, I could feel that it was for me.

Being a 2014 Miss Mpumalanga queen has changed my life in ways I cannot describe, I’m really blessed to have come this far and to leave with a smile full of happy tears on my face.

Besides winning a car as a prize, I also got a house as a gift from the premier. I can never say thank you enough to the whole team that made this possible, thanking my family Mzimari Productions, especially my sister Gugu Nyarenda who went out of her way to make things possible for me so I could be a confident young lady with a home.

. It is the fifth anniversary of this beauty pageant and what special message do you have?

If there’s any message I should give; it should be to the deserving Mzimari Productions and the whole team that works with them, the Mpumalanga Gambling Board who are the main sponsors of the pageant as well Mpumalanga News behind everything.

I’m Miss Mpumalanga 2014, I’ve come this far with the pageant and it has changed my life, so yours too can be changed.

But most importantly, I say that everyone that contributes to this pageant makes this whole product possible, so work hand in hand, even in the years to come to always make it possible for these beautiful young gifted ladies who want to leave a mark like I have. Move with acceleration and with mutual understanding and support.

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