Open letter to matriculants

"This will stand you in good stead in the long term as you take the next steps on your journey through life."

To the thousands of matriculants across

the country, preparing to write their final examinations, on behalf of Higher

Education South Africa (HESA), I wish each of you well.

As you prepare for

exams, remember your future depends on you achieving the best results possible.

Good results mean you will have more options open to you. You will have a

greater chance of studying at the tertiary institution of your choice, and

ultimately achieving your dreams. You also increase your chances of obtaining a

bursary, scholarship, or other forms of financial assistance.

Success means

being well-prepared for the final exams. As such, you must be able to apply

everything you have learned throughout this year, as well as preceding ones.

Take time to go through your work thoroughly. Ask a teacher or mentor for advice

if there is something you do not understand. Consult one of the numerous

learning aids available to you for clarification. Try and work through past exam

papers to give yourself an edge.

The key to a society that is able to

overcome its social, political and economic challenges is a well-educated

population. A skilled labour force is a crucial ingredient for economic


With the official unemployment rate at 25.6% (Statistics South

Africa) in the second quarter of 2013, it is more important than ever that you

give yourself a fighting chance as you prepare to enter higher education

institutions, FET Colleges, or the world of work. You are the future of this

country and ensuring you are well-educated can mean the difference between

making a difference or sitting powerlessly on the sidelines.

Each of you

holds the key to your own destiny. I urge you not to treat the examinations as

an inconvenience, but to rather invest your energy and best intentions in them.

This will stand you in good stead in the long term as you take the next steps on

your journey through life.


Good luck, and all the best.

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