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Give the gift of life and donate

Only one per cent of the population donates blood and the demand for this precious liquid is constantly increasing.

MBOMBELA – With the approach of the Easter holidays and the high number of road accidents experienced on a daily basis plus the growing need of blood supply to patients with various ailments, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) beseeches members of the public to be generous enough and donate blood
to help others where there is a need.

The organisation is constantly in search of businesses and establishments in the community which are willing and able to support the cause of blood donation.

“Only one per cent of the population donates blood and the demand for this precious liquid is constantly increasing,” explains Ms Whanita Parkes, public-relations practitioner of the local branch.

She adds that SANBS tries to make the process of giving blood to donating blood. All needles and finger-prick lancets are new, sterile and used only once. After use, each lancet and needle is placed in a special medical-waste container and incinerated.

Those interested can freely donate blood today March 18 at at Blue Hazy in Hazyviews Mall from 14:00 to 18:00
Residents of White River and surrounds can donate at the NG Kerk on March 31 from 14:00 to 18:00. “We also have a daily donation venue at Riverside Mall where donors can visit us,” explained Parkes.

• Weigh at least 50kg or more
• Aged 16 to 65
• Are in good health
• Lead a sexually safe lifestyle
• Consider their blood safe for transfusion
• Commit to donate blood regularly.

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