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Sustainability partnership making waves in Acornhoek

The partnership is anchored by financial support from Nedbank, ENGEN and the National Department of Environmental Affairs

ACORNHOEK –  In a bid to catalyse and support a unique partnership that will enable the transformation of the community into one that is cleaner, greener, and more sustainable, whilst empowering local residents  Nedbank has partnered with Wildlands and Kruger2Canyon.

According to Wildlands, several initiatives have been introduced, including the Wildlands Trees for Life, Recycling for Life, Greening your Future and uBuntu Earth programs.

“Working at the point where environmental conservation and human well-being converge, Wildlands’ guiding principle is the belief that healthy, robust and resilient ecosystems underpin human well-being.

If this is achieved, it has the potential to provide a sustainable future for all,” says Dr Andrew Venter CEO of the Wildlands Conservation Trust.

The partnership is anchored by financial support from Nedbank, ENGEN and the National Department of Environmental Affairs, who collectively contributed over R 6 000 000 to initiate the Project, and a further R 2 000 000 per annum over the next two years.

A network of local non-profit organisations has committed their local management resources and networks to lead and enable project implementation, under the guidance and mentorship of Wildlands and Kruger2Canyon.

The partner organisations are the Global White Lion Protection Trust, Klaserie Eco-Training, the Timbavati Foundation, Nourish and Hlokomela.

The seedlings and recycling will be bartered for a range of livelihood support goods including, product hampers, education support, building materials, bicycles, water tanks, solar equipment and Hippo Water Rollers.

The seedlings will be planted out through the Acornhoek greening and Blyde River Restoration activities, and the recycling will be bulked and sold.

“The project has helped the empowerment of participating individuals who were once marginalised from the local economy to become viable small businesses in their own right. Nedbank is proud to be part of this ground-breaking partnership which aligns so closely with our vision of integrated sustainability,” concludes Nina Wellsted, sustainability manager at Nedbank.


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