
ANCYL Cadre dies

The ANCYL has released a statement on the passing of Mr. Kgotso Motloung, who was one of the leaders in the structure.

The ANCYL has released a statement on the passing of Mr. Kgotso Motloung, who was one of the leaders in the structure. “On behalf of the Regional Chairperson & REC of ANC in Gert Sibande Region, we are saddened by the loss of our young fire brand. He was a true revolutionary cadre to the end. Camrade Kgotso Motloung passed on in a shocking accident.

Cde Kgotso grew up in the ANC & ANCYL and has led most structures, among many other positions, he was the Regional, Provincial Chairperson of the ANCYL in Mpumalanga, Distinct Mayor of Gert Sibande & currently a District Councillor at the Municipality,” reads the statment.

Funeral arrangementse will be communicated through the week.

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