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Criticism and support for TB Joshua

As Christians ,we are tested in different ways,but if you are very far from God,you will not understand.

JERUSALEMA – Just a week after families and friends paid their last respects to their loved ones who died in the Nigerian tragedy, there are still some unanswered questions.

These revolve around the cause of the collapse? Why didn’t TB Joshua alert the people to move out of the building as he used to prophesy?

One of the local residents, Ms Nondun-duzo Makhathini, who feels that someone must be held accountable for the death of the 116 people, including 84 South Africans said,

“I don’t get it why he doesn’t come personally here to South Africa and talk face to face with the people who were affected and also explain on national TV what went wrong instead of sending delegates from his church.”

Meanwhile, some of the local people who visited the church of TB Joshua said they are not discouraged about what people are saying about the man of God.

Speaking to Mpumalanga News, Mr Adam Zwane told this publication that he was sleeping in the same building that collapsed three days before the shocking incident, but stated that TB Joshua told the congregation that something bad was going to happen in Nigeria.

“This tragedy is not going to stop me and my family. That man is like Jesus, he helped lot of people, healing those who are sick and those who have other problems in life,” he added.

Zwane went on and stated that people who went to the Synagogue Church of All nations were not surprised about at the incident because TB Joshua had a vision of that incident before it occurred.

“In one of the services in the church, he told us that something terrible was going to happen very soon.
He said a certain church that is going to be attended or collapsed, but he was not specific which church, but when I came back watching TV, I witnessed what he said. As Christians, we are tested in different ways, but if you are very far from God, you will not understand. You will continue to criticise,” he concluded.

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