
Residents urged to wise up during this festive

"Don’t allow your children to play outside at night and lastly, people need to avoid walking in awkward areas or dark places at night".

BARBERTON – The festive season is around the corner and different incidents of crime are on the increase at this time of the year.

Local police have sent out a strong warning to community members not to fall victims of crime and be vigilant always.

People are urged not to buy properties through internet and not to deposit money to people who are trying to sell you properties in order to avoid fraud or being robbed.

”During the festive season, crime is on the increase in our communities, people must not carry around large amounts of cash. Don’t ask for lifts from strangers, rather use public transport in order to be safe and prevent robberies,“ said the spokesperson of the local police, Const Tutu Nkosi.

She added that parents need to play a very important role in terms of making sure that their children are always in a safe environment.

”Look after your children and make sure that they are playing in a safe place or areas. Another thing that we have noticed, is that rape is very high during Christmas holidays. Don’t allow your children to play outside at night and lastly, people need to avoid walking in awkward areas or dark places at night,“ concluded Nkosi.

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