
School eager to celebrate its 40th annivesary in style

The school invites its alumni and members of the community to join hands in raising funds in-order to make its 40th annivesary celebration a remarkable one.

KANYAMAZANE – Thembeka High School held its first-ever beauty pageant in an endeavour to raise funds for its forthcoming 40th anniversary celebration.

“This is our third fund-raising event held towards the anniversary. We want the current learners to feel part and take ownership of all the preparations as the class of 2014. We also call upon all our alumni to come forth and assist in whatever way they can, so that the day may be a success for all,” said Sandile Ndimande, an organiser and former student of the school.

“It is our wish to celebrate the day before the end of the year. We still need more financial assistance to make the event a remarkable one,” he said, urging members of the community to lend a helping hand towards the day.

The beauty pageant had everyone in stitches as the girls and boys showcased their catwalk and modelling skills under the scrutiny of a judging panel which included the 2012/13 Model Cup National Finals Bobo Mjaji, former Miss Gezani, Nothando Ali, and Sifiso Nkosi.

The winner, grade 11’s Precious Sithole, proved to be the favourite of the crowd from the beginning with her gorgeous moves and smile and, of course, being the tallest of them all with her dark complexion. The first princess was Privilege Lekhuleni, with Sthembile Fundama as second princess.

The guys were also handsome with Shalom Phiri being crowned Mr Thembeka 2014/15 and his runners-up being Sipho Mhlongo and Innocent Ngomane.

Prizes were courtesy of KaNyamazane, Debonairs and the school. For more information on how and where to donate to the school’s 40th anniversary fund, contact Ncobile Sihlangu on 060-404-9177 or Sandile Ndimande on 079-156-5300 or Thembeka 40th anniversary on Facebook.

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