
Dedicated and committed teachers are rewarded

"I will never forget that day where history was made in this province after I obtained third position at national level".

KANYAMAZANE – Teachers and headmasters who have excelled in circuits under Ehlanzeni District have been justly rewarded.

This recently happened during the Ehlanzeni District Teachers Awards held at the Ehlanzeni District Hall.

The purpose of the awards was to recognise the good work that teachers did and also to encourage those who were reluctant, to pull up their socks.

The Malalane circuit performed exceptionally well as it scooped numerous prizes in various categories such as best teacher at primary and secondary level.

Even though the standard of candidates who showed interest had increased compared to last year, the district director, Mr Fana Lushaba stated that teachers still had a long way to go in terms of producing good results.

“We come from far. Learners are still underperforming, especially in mathematics, and even in their home language which means teachers need to put in more effort. As a district, this year we have set a target of no less than 95 per cent pass rate. It’s only possible to achieve that if we have dedicated teachers who will deliver good quality education. We are expecting good results in Ehlanzeni,” said Lushaba.

The teachers were also motivated by
Mr Mbongeleni Mdaka of Mayibuye High School, who scooped third position in the 2013 National Teachers Awards, he received a lifetime-achiever award.

Speaking on behalf of the winners, Mdaka said,

“I will never forget that day where history was made in this province after I obtained third position at national level. All comes with hard work and dedication. It’s not all about winning, but that day opened many doors for me, to the extent that I got an opportunity to visit places that I never thought I would such as Mandela House and the Hector Peterson Monument. I also attended a gala dinner with the minister of basic education, Ms Angie Motshekga,” he said.

All eyes are now on the award winners when they compete at provincial and national level

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