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Giving lets healing flow

She says she hardly sees a doctor mostly because her healing comes from giving,giving and giving

KANYAMAZANE – One of the women who ought to be celebrated this month is none other than Ms Badanile Zulu-Reeds, popularly known as Make Zuka, a name she attained from her initiative of collecting five cent coins for a worthy course.

Her humble background and being helped by good Samaritans in her own life, has taught her to be generous towards the needy, especially children, as well as needy adults around her home and community.

“The art of giving is in me, I give what I can to anyone who needs help,” says Make Zuka.
She reveals that besides living with her older son, she always cooks extra food she could share with a hungry guest.

She says she hardly sees a doctor mostly because her healing comes from giving, giving and giving. “After giving, I become physically, emotionally and psychologically healed.”

Make Zuka’s has made headlines in both local and national media and says she is able to assist others due to the support she receives from members of the community. “Without the community’s help, I will not be able to do what I’m doing.”

To celebrate Women’s Month, she, has since bought 50 brand-new school jerseys to be given to needy children before the end of this month. “I still believe in the power of God that we will get shoes for the kids as well,” she said.

She urges every woman to make a difference in her community, no matter how small. “A wise woman is able to build her house while a foolish one destroys it with her own hands, Asivukeni sicine sibe sihlahla lesinetimphandze in doing good,” she says.

She also believes in the power of teamwork, that is why her slogan is “Together you and I can stop poverty! We can stop the rain and make sunshine ngekubambisana.”
Her dream is to start a drop-in centre where she can cook and feed the needy.

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