
Woman gives selfessly

BUSHBUCKRIDGE - She's kind, humble, warm-hearted and down to earth, and people in her community refer to her as Mother Teresa.

BUSHBUCKRIDGE – She’s kind, humble, warm-hearted and down to earth, and people in her community refer to her as Mother Teresa.

But this woman says the late angel of missionaries’ shoes are too big to fill and she wishes to do even more for the less- privileged.

It is easy to see that 33-year-old Creseldah Ndlovu is a selfless woman who takes pleasure in helping others. “Creseldah is the kind of person you would say was sent from heaven to fulfil a purpose, and she’s doing exactly that.

Living her life, not for herself, but for many people to make them smile and be strengthened to face every day with determination,” says Muriel Mkhatshwa, a community member of Mkhuhlu.

Growing up with a single parent in an underprivileged community, she says her mother groomed her and her siblings with humility.
According to her fellow community members, Creseldah started giving back to others from a very young age.

In 2006 she established Yesu i Hosi projects with the aim of helping orphans and vulnerable children.

“I used to bring sandwiches to Sunday School and as the number of children increased, I saw how many people were suffering, and started providing meals for them daily.”

Late in 2010 Creseldah discovered that many young people were not attending universities and she remembered her situation of not having sufficient funds to study and founded Creseldah Education Foundation (CEF) to assist them to further their studies despite their family backgrounds.

“What we do at CEF is bring resources to high school learners and assist them to apply.” She adds that when matriculants receive their final results, her foundation hosts awards to honour the learners who performed well.

“I always invite the National Youth Development Agency and other stakeholders and they assist with the provision of transport fares for students to go to the respective universities they have been accepted to,” adds Creseldah.

Her foundation also provides what she calls starter packs with basics that students need at university.

“We are doing all this in the hope that the National Financial Student Aid Scheme and others financial-aid funds will assist. apply,” she states.

Creseldah says one day when the Lord calls her home, she will rest in peace knowing she has made a positive difference in someone else’s life.

“Personally I don’t regard materialistic things like driving fancy cars and living in mansions an achievement. Changing someone’s life for good is a great thing.

I am doing what the Master appointed me to do, and for that reason I don’t complain when I have to give from my own pocket. I do it wholeheartedly understanding the Scripture in Proverbs 19:17, “When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord, and He will pay you back.”

Recently, Creseldah hosted Bushbuckridge Community Heroes Awards, an initiative to showcase, celebrate and profile unsung heroes in the area.

“I, for one, am not looking for recognition from man, but saw it fit to recognise the efforts of individuals who have impacted lives, such as Baba Sam Nzima, our local police, journalists and many more.

I desire to host these awards every year to encourage our people to do more in their communities,” she concluded.

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