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New system to prevent petty crime

Local residents are sick and tired of petty crime within their community and have seen it fit to fight it through carrying whistles on them.

MSOGWABA – Local residents are sick and tired of petty crime within their community and have seen it fit to fight it through carrying whistles on them.

This came about as so many of them were mugged going to and returning from work, at early dawn and night-time.

The community has devised a scheme of moving in groups as they board the same buses at dawn and even at dusk.

According to Daantjie SAPS’ statistics, Msogwaba is the worst hit area and it also shows that many deaths/muggings occurred from 04:00 to 06:00.

Ms Nancy Nkosi, when interviewed by Mpumalanga News said, “The system has been assisting us, though it took us time to get the plan to work. The whistles protect us.”
She added, “As commuters, we have to meet the police halfway because they cannot be on the roads 24/7.”

Another commuter, Ms Portia Zwane said, “I live with my older brother and we were both out one evening when thugs got into the house and stole my blankets, food and my brother’s clothing. I hate to think what would have happened if they had found me in the house.”

LT Jabu Ndubane, spokesperson for Pienaar police said, “The community is doing a good thing by implementing the whistle system because their neighbours are closer the closest people than the police.”

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