
Faith talk with Past. Mduduzi

The primary structure upon which the superstructure of leadership can be built is self-mastery/leadership.

Leadership continued…
The primary structure upon which the superstructure of leadership can be built is self-mastery/leadership. Dumping sites are full of great lives destroyed by the lack of self-leadership, -control and -discipline. Great businesses have gone to waste due to the lack of self-management.

It is vain to try to conquer the seas, skies and earth when we dismally and perennially fail to conquer ourselves.

Great political parties have died even before contesting any election; mighty churches that promised to reshape the social and moral landscapes of their worlds have crumbled before they could deliver on so noble a purpose.

Until we discover the root cause of the bitter fruit of potential abortion of such frightening scale, as a nation we are in trouble. Why is it that some of the greatest sporting maestros and ball wizards of our time and of yesterday saw the twilight of their careers in their maiden days? I submit that the problem lies deeper than we care to admit.

Most of us have placed a higher price on performance than on morality, we have glorified and adorned doing and neglected being. We have esteemed talent, charisma and we flushed down the drain, our character.

Many of our giants have gone all-out searching for credit and overlooked credibility. We have liked the art of shining in the stadia of public fame and shied away from the discipleship of private and personal discipline.

There are those of us who need the devil to fight and to destroy them, however, there are also those of us who don’t need the devil to destroy them, they will eventually destroy themselves. Needless to say, the worst enemy for me is myself. If I can’t deal with myself, I shall deal with me.

Proverbs 25:28 “He that can’t rule his own spirit, is like a city without walls,” and 1 Cor 9:27 “But I discipline my body”.

It is only people who consistently demonstrate an uncommon ability of self-conquest and exemplar who deserve to lead. Effective leaders live in their own five habits; they are self-consciousness, awareness, self-renewal, self-development, self-discipline and self-motivation.

Leadership is not developed in a day, friends it is a daily thing. These habits help leaders identify their own weaknesses, develop a bank of wisdom and an inbuilt mechanism of self-motivation, have a strong and well-developed sense of self and personal identity as well as perpetually renewing and updating their vision.

Good leaders are man-produced, great leaders are God-shaped. Till next time.

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