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Residents concerned about lack of service delivery

Streets and facilities are not well maintained and this has caused residents to embark on violent protests.

THULAMAHASHE – This township used to be the heart of Bushbuckridge, but according to residents, its beauty has gone to ruin lately. Residents claim to have been neglected by their councillors, whom they say are allegedly only interested in enriching themselves, not in ensuring the delivering of proper services or the development of the area.

Streets and facilities are not well maintained and this has caused residents to embark on violent protests, vandalising property and halting business at the shopping complex, which they say is too small for the township and surrounding villages.

The disgruntled community members stated that they were doing a lot to ensure that the township didn’t lose its value. Some built proper houses for themselves while others renovated their old houses, but they were concerned that the lack of development in the area depreciates the value of their properties.

Read more in Thursday’s print edition of Mpumalanga News.


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