
The “Vote No” campaign is an insult to our democracy

The ball of contention here is this anti-democracy campaign co-headed by former Intelligent Minister, Ronnie Kasrils and Former Deputy Minister of the Department of Health Madlala-Routledge.

Today the so called “Vote No” campaign was officially launched at the University of the Witwatersrand. The campaign was launched in a very hostile environment as students who were wearing ANC and pro-ANC regalia were not allowed inside the venue while those wearing WASP and some wearing COPE regalia were allowed.

The security personnel told those wearing ANC t-shirts that they were given clear instruction that the Vice Chancellor, Adam Habib, told them to keep the ANC people away from the venue, despite no signs of violence. This is itself insult to our democracy, students were denied their right to freedom of association in a public institution of higher learning. Habib should be ashamed of himself.

The ball of contention here is this anti-democracy campaign co-headed by former Intelligent Minister, Ronnie Kasrils and Former Deputy Minister of the Department of Health Madlala-Routledge. One should note that these are former NEC members of the ANC whom during their tenure a lot went wrong, including the escalation of corruption as a result of the GEAR policy.

These people do not believe in democracy, the evidence here is the resignation of Ronnie and others after former president Mbeki was recalled. Now they want to create anarchy in a country that has held 4 successful General Elections that were free and fair. Another disappointing fact is that there are pseudo-academic and certain business people that are supporting this campaign. They too, should be ashamed of themselves.

South Africa comes from a very dark history where not everyone was allowed to vote and this right to universal suffrage was fought for and won at the moment when there was despair in the whole country. Madiba spent 27 years fighting for it; Chris Hani was murdered 3 years after coming from exile fighting for this right. Now we can’t allow these two attention-seeking individual to spit in the face our democracy with their campaign.

This year there are so called ‘Born-Frees’ will be heading to the polls for the first time. This is an opportunity for them to choose the government of their choice, but this can only happen if they exercise their right to vote as enshrined in our constitution. This right therefore, should not be abuse to please Ronnie and his cohorts. Young people must refuse to be used by people who do not have the interest of this country at heart. Let them not vote, or spoil their vote, but responsible citizens must go vote.

Ronnie and his girlfriend must know that by asking people to spoil their votes, in particular the first time voters, is like asking virgins to break their virginity by not using condoms. This is recklessness and irresponsible coming from people who are old, people who, themselves benefited from voting and were made to lead the government that was voted for by the overwhelming majority of the people.

It is common that at some point when people get old they reach the stage of intellectual menopause but calling citizens to spoil their votes is the highest level of this stage if not intellectual bankruptcy. Ronnie and co have failed to deal with issues they are raising while they were in government, now they must contribute to our democracy positively or shut up. If that’s too much for them, I advice that they leave the country and go and live where they will feel the need to vote.

I urge all responsible citizens of this country to do the only responsible thing on the 7th of May to go and vote. We must not be misled by people responsible for the failures they are pointing out in the current government. We are sober and we will vote!

Tom Mhlanga is a BA student at Wits. He writes under his personal capacity.

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