
Godrick Gardee, EFF’s election head

Gardee, a former renowned activist of the ANC youth league in the province for many years, was recently announced by the EFF as Commissar responsible for Mobilisation, Campaigns and Special Projects.

The Central Command Team (CCT) of the Economic Freedom Fighters has resolved to appoint fighter, Godrick Gardee as the National Elections Coordinator for 2014 National General Elections.

The commissar will be supported by a team of coordinators from all the 9 provinces who will work on an elections campaign strategy that will be presented and adopted at a Strategic Planning meeting.

Gardee, a former renowned activist of the ANC youth league in the province for many years, was recently announced by the EFF as Commissar responsible for Mobilisation, Campaigns and Special Projects.

His appointment was also accompanied by the announcement of the following at national level: Tseko Mafanya, responsible for Education, Science and Technology, Harris Waston, responsible for Safety and Security, Leentjie Philips, responsible for Sports and Recreation and Natasha Louw, responsible for Mining and Mineral Resources.

The above were announced after the EFF held a Special Meeting of the Central Command Team in which a special focused agenda was discussed relating to, amongst other things; Strategic Planning, IEC Registration, National Elections, and the EFF Official Launch.

The meeting was held in Johannesburg on September 11, 2013; the eve of the anniversary of the death of Steve Biko. Coming out of this meeting, the following stand as central issues for broader communication to the public and fighters in general:

Official Launch of the EFF in Marikana

The Central Command Team welcomed the Independent Electoral Commission’s decision to register the EFF as a political party despite objections by the right wing Afrikaner organisations. This served as yet another reminder of what the revolutionary program of the movement represents to the establishment, particularly amongst those who speak on behalf of the interests of white monopoly capital. Following the postponement of the launch in light of awaiting the IEC process of registration to complete, the EFF has resolved to officially launch the movement of the people under the following details:

Date: 13 October, 2013

Venue: Marikana, North West Province

The decision to launch in Marikana was upheld as it had originally been the idea. The CCT reaffirmed Marikana as a significant venue to officially launch the movement specifically due to its symbolic importance. Marikana represents the collapse of the 1994 social pact, particularly in its failure to restore dignity to the black and African majority following centuries of slavery, colonisation and apartheid. The fall of the 34 black workers who were brutally gunned down by the ZANC regime speaks volumes to the urgent need to radically continue the struggle for economic freedom in our lifetime. The EFF identifies with these fallen heroes, and goes to Marikana to pick up the blood red spears from the valley of the Koppie to continue the struggle.

All EFF structures, particularly those close to the North West Province are encouraged to mobilise towards the launch and make the necessary arrangements to make sure people come to the historic launch of the EFF. Conveners and Coordinators of regions must therefore be in contact with their provincial leadership to develop programs that will ensure the road to Marikana is smooth and becomes a historic success.

Strategic Planning Meeting

The CCT resolved to set aside three days into strategic planning and political education. The strategic planning will specifically speak to the development of the communications policy, elections manifesto and campaign strategy, as well as fundraising. Critical to this meeting will be a politics and economics education program that seeks to deepen the CCT’s revolutionary practice and consciousness, as Lenin said “there is no revolutionary practice, without revolutionary theory”. This education program will workshop amongst other things; Essentials of Political Economy (Marxist Economics), Governance, and the revolutionary theory of decolonisation founded in the combination of Marx, Lenin and Fanon writings. The meeting will also take a comprehensive report of the state of membership and structures of the EFF from all provinces. The strategic planning meeting will happen under the following;

Date: 4, 5, 6 October, 2013

Venue: TBA

Appointments, Deployments and Reshufflings

It also released fighter Gcobani Nozongana from his duties as coordinator of the Western Cape. The CCT received reports on the conduct of the fighter, which had culminated in him making public assertions that brought the province and organisation into disrepute. The CCT reiterates that in its ranks are only fighters, commissars and leaders with the revolutionary marks of pursuing the program of economic freedom. There are no ‘baby sitters’! The EFF dispels all notions suggesting there to be any ageism in its leadership and reaffirms its absolute faith in the commandership of fighter Julius Sello Malema.

Most importantly, the CCT has noted, following illustrious reports from the PCT members, how fighter Gcobani Nozongana as thus far not performed his duties in the position of coordinator with the necessary patience, humility and emotional intelligence that working with people requires. Although a passionate fighter himself he has failed to move with the people, and thus the CCT saw it necessary to move him and allocate these duties to fighter Veronica Mente, who will continue working with fighters in the PCT of the Western Cape.

Finally, by the 20th of September, 2014 CCT members will receive deployments from the National Coordinator to attend to different provinces right to the ground, so as to reinforce and intensify the work of establishing EFF structures. In the same spirit, the CCT also resolved that the Commander in Chief will be launching at least five branches of the EFF before the official Launch in Marikana in different communities.

The Central Command Team is confident that the EFF is indeed growing and that its growth is sustained by the selfless sacrifices of ordinary fighters on the ground, who have been working tirelessly to raise the flag of economic freedom. Red berets are increasingly defining the symbolic battle ground of ideas in different communities, also becoming the sign of open defiance of the ZANC criminal regime. Fighters, like many revolutionaries that we draw inspiration from, are also facing exclusion, torture and targets of all kinds of covert missions of those who want to defend the status quo. The CCT urges all fighters to be strong, act as much as possible with restrain, but stand their revolutionary ground with resilience.

As we paint South Africa red, and mobilise towards the historic official launch of our movement in Marikana, we must walk and work our revolution with patience and pride, knowing that one day, economic freedom and justice will reign in our land.

Long Live the EFF, Long Live!

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