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Eat, Pray and live healthy

Fun-walk participants were all rewarded with medals, some were also presented with Holy Bibles published in siSwati.

MSOGWABA – Churches do not only need to preach the Gospel, but they must encourage the well-being of its members.

This was the message at the local soccer field on Saturday when members from four local churches, Elshadai, Emanuel, Alliance and Faith Mission Church held a wellness day to promote a healthy lifestyle to both the old and young.

The day started with a walk of more than four kilometres which was coupled by an outreach whereby the members jogged and spread words of wisdom from the Holy Book. Unlike famous marches in protest of various community grievances, the church members carried placards of calling people to the Kingdom of God.

They read God loves you, with God nothing is impossible, in Him there is happiness, God is my provider, greater is He who is in me than the one in this world, and many other inspirational verses.

Elderly women also visited all the families to preach and pray with them.

“We had identified their physical needs and we will help them both physically and spiritually. It will be up to them to choose with which church to fellowship,” said

Past Precious Masuku. Her sentiments were echoed by those of her partner Past Zwakele Masuku of Elshadai who said, “We are called to reach out to the community. If churches can come together as we all serve one Master, pray for our communities and give out to the needy we can overcome all the social ills of our communities”.

“God wants us to take care of our bodies by regular exercising and eating healthy food to keep the body nourished and healthy as it is His temple,” he added.

The day was marked with outdoor games including running inside a sack, running with an egg in a teaspoon, eating fruit from water basins and other fun games. Laughter and gospel music also formed part of the event.


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