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Golf crew reaches out to patients

They painted the wards red and handed over fruit such as bananas, apples, oranges, as well as bottled water to patients in the maternity, male surgical and the orthopaedic wards. The members interacted with the patients by giving them words of encouragement.

KANYAMAZANE – Apart from displaying the love for their cars, members of the KaNyamazane Golf Crew put broad smiles on the faces of patients at Rob Ferreira Hospital over the weekend.
The young lads from eKasi arrived in a convoy at the hospital around 09:00, resembling princes visiting the hospital.
They painted the wards red and handed over fruit such as bananas, apples, oranges, as well as bottled water to patients in the maternity, male surgical and the orthopaedic wards. The members interacted with the patients by giving them words of encouragement.
“They were happy to see us as some hardly had any visitors. The hospital management also appreciated our gesture to show love and companionship to the patients,” explained Tsonga Makhubele, a member of the group.
“Although we were allowed to spend only 30 minutes in the wards, it was time well spent,” he continued.
The club came up with the idea after observing what had happened when one of their own was previously admitted to the hospital.
“We used to come to pay him regular visit but observed that some patients hardly had anyone checking on them, due to various reasons. Some were from far places and their relatives lived far.
“That touched our hearts and we wanted to do something to cheer them up and make them feel at home. We then approached management and they welcomed our idea,” said Makhubela.
The group also aim to continue with the same initiative at other hospitals in the Ehlanzeni region. They want to change the stigma associated with Golf drivers that they are reckless. They encourage members to be educated as they believe that it is through this that poverty and unemployment will be eased.
“We want to work with the community at large and ensure that our people feel safe. We are also against any form criminal behaviour, our cars are marked with KaNyamazane stickers so it is easy to recognise us,” members said.
The group planned to do more charity work in May where they will roll up their sleeves to clean the premises around the KaNyamazane Clinic.
On April 19 they will host a fund-raising campaign together with BMW and VW members in Tonga at Mabuza Spin City. Proceeds will be donated to an orphanage in Zwelistha. Enquiries: Tsonga Makhubele on 076-548-0610.

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