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EFF calls for the renaming of the Kruger National Park in Malalane

The EFF’s deputy president, Floyd Shivambu, has challenged the government of the day to consider renaming the internationally acclaimed Kruger National Park.

Addressing EFF members in Malalane, Nkomazi subregion, on Wednesday April 7, during the organisation’s “Land Day”, Shivambu said that the Paul Kruger, who the national park was named after, never brought animals there or done anything significant to deserve such an honour.

“It is actually an insult that the park is, even today, named after Paul Kruger. Paul Kruger never brought animals to the park. As a matter of fact, the colonisers stole the land and forced our people away from these fertile and strategic pieces of land. The Kruger National Park needs renamed after our people,” said Shivambu.

ALSO READ: EFF takes fight for land to Malalane’s Leopard Creek

The EFF used this day to send a message to billionaire Johan Rupert who is said to own a number of properties across the country.
Shivambu, joined by the Mpumalanga leader, Collen Sedibe, and the treasurer general, Omphile Maotwe, handed over a memorandum to the Leopard Creek management.

Leopard Creek is owned by Rupert.

ALSO READ: Mpumalanga EFF rolls up its sleeves and starts recruiting

“We are giving them 14 days to respond to our grievances and failure to that we will be left with no other option but to use other means to air our message. I can’t promise that the next time we come here we will be this peaceful,” said Shivambu after handing over the memorandum.

This march attracted over 1 000 of EFF members, including families who were allegedly driven away from Leopard Creek.
Shivambu said these families that were out off their own land are not even allowed to conduct African cultural rituals at their forefathers’ graves, which they claim are inside Leopard Creek.

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