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EFF soldiers onwards, ready to govern

Following its recent outstanding showing in the local government elections, the EFF in Mpumalanga believes it is ready for the 2024 general elections and is ready to lead.

MBOMBELA – Speaking to Mpumalanga News, the EFF provincial leader, Collen Sedibe, said his organisation has already started planning and preparing for the 2024 elections and is adamant they will do much better than during the November 1 local government elections.

“After these elections, we sat down and reflected on our performance and achievements, and I must say that were very happy and impressed with the results we had attained. The EFF in Mpumalanga has made significant strides, making our presence felt in all the municipalities, and this shows that our masses want change and they believe in the EFF,” said Sedibe. “I can proudly stand on Mount Everest and shout that we are ready to govern,” he continued,

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“We have always viewed ourselves as a government in waiting. We were not just waiting and warming the opposition benches all those years, but we have been learning and preparing ourselves to take over and be the voice of our voiceless nation.”

Since it was founded in 2013, the EFF has seen tremendous growth and is currently the third biggest political party in the country after the ANC and DA. During the 2014 general elections, the EFF in Mpumalanga secured two seats at the provincial legislature, which grew to four in the 2019 elections, making it the official opposition party.

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“We have come a long way and it has not been an easy ride for us, as we were always up against political organisations such as the ANC and the DA, and we had no money for our campaigns and rallies. But we soldiered on because our mandate has always been inspired by serving our masses by bringing back the land and freeing them from poverty by creating equal economic opportunities,” said Sedibe.

He thanked all the party supporters and volunteers for their contribution during the local government elections.

“I want to take this opportunity and acknowledge each and every member, volunteer, voter and funder for putting extra effort in during these tough elections we’ve just had. Your efforts and contributions have made us climb the ladder even further and we promise never to disappoint all of you. Let us go back to the drawing board and our branches as we prepare for 2024. Let us turn each and every ward into a sea of red,” concluded Sedibe.

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