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Residents endure unbearable sewer stench in KaBokweni

The smell is just terrible. Just imagine what this does to people who reside near the sewerage system and school...

Locals and learners travelling past Sandzile School have had to deal with the unbearable stench of a leaking sewer for more than two months.

“The smell is just terrible. Just imagine what this does to people who reside near the sewerage system and school… The condition is horrific and poses a health hazard to the adults and children,” said Sifiso Nkosi, a resident.

Residents said some of their children suffered from nausea and frequent vomiting.

“We are not sure if we need to take those as signs of serious health issues or of Covid-19. It could even be caused by the stench we inhale day in, day out.”

READ: Houses built on top of sewer lines blamed for leaks and stench

Some locals have covered their windows and doors with plastic to try to prevent the smell from coming into their homes. Lowvelder Express spoke to Gift Matsane whose house is only a few metres from the sewer. Matsane said he has not opened his windows for days to try to avoid the smell.

“For weeks my family and I could not even enjoy sitting outside. The situation becomes worse at night. One cannot even enjoy a meal. We need the municipality to assist us.”

He added that the situation had been reported to the City of Mbombela Local Municipality’s (CMLM) water and sanitation offices in KaBokweni countless times, but nothing has happened.

READ : Silulumanzi starts repairs on leaking sewer

“We have received no response from the municipality,” he said. Matsane revealed that in the past, municipal workers would come and work on the sewer, however, that would only help to stabilise the situation for a few days. He added that these employees had opened its lid slightly, hence current spillage. Some hawkers who used to trade around the area no longer do so due to the stench. A local shop had also closed its doors allegedly because the environment was no longer conducive.

Joseph Ngala, spokesperson for CMLM, said, “We have surveyed the line and are waiting to receive the stock needed to reroute a portion of the sewer line. This will be done as soon as the material is received.”

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