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More focus needed to improve mental health in SA

Only 25 per cent of people with mental illness have access to treatment.

There is a dire need for the government of South Africa to invest more money into the prevention and promotion of mental health care in the country.

These were the assertions of Dr Cassey Chambers, Operations Director of the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG).

She was speaking during the World Mental Health Day, Press Workshop in Sandton on October 9, a day before the celebration of the World Mental Health Day.

“Government needs to focus on community mental health service, train more staff at grassroots level or primary healthcare facilities.

They should also develop a Suicide Prevention Strategy guidline and policy,” said Chambers.

She also added that mental health education should start at school level.

She cited an example of a six-year-old minor who committed suicide in school as the youngest recorded person to commit suicide in the country.

“There are 23 people who commit suicide everyday. For each suicide, there are 20 attempted suicides, meaning there are 460 attempted suicides every 24hours,” she said.

Chambers said that one in three South Africans will or do have a mental illness at some point of their lifetime.

“Only 25 per cent of people with mental illness have access to treatment, leaving 75 percent of them not receiving treatment or care,” she concluded.

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