
Teaching continues at burned schools

Anyone with information is urged to contact Det Col Kgobeng Magakwe on 082-302-6621 or the SAPS Crime Stop number, 08600-10111.

Teaching and learning is set to continue this morning at two burned schools in Thabana Village at the Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality.

“The learners are back in school on both premises. Only two classes were burned in Thabana Primary which have 210 learners, so learning will not be affected at all,” said Jasper Zwane, spokesman for the Department of Education, on Monday morning.

Also read: SGB members arrested for burning down school
Also read: Another school burnt in Marite

He adds that learning and teaching will also continue as usual at Siyathokoza Secondary where a library went up in flames. Both schools’ facilities were torched on Friday, apparently by a disgruntled group following the outcomes of the bi-elections which took place on Wednesday.

MEC Sibusiso Malaza described this as a pure act of criminality. He called on the police to help to identify those behind this and for the community to work with SAPS to bring the perpetrators to book. Management from both schools were urged to do everything possible to restore teaching and learning. The department requested the police to get to the bottom of this and bring those who are behind this destruction, to face the consequences

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