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24 hour taxi ride for locals

Transport is never a problem in this township of no sleep. Looking at other townships, transport becomes a problem after 19.00. Only car owners are safe and never go stranded.

MATSULU – Transport is never a problem in this township of no sleep.

Looking at other townships, transport becomes a problem after 19:00. Only car owners are safe and never go stranded. People love going out clubbing and partying on weekends without having transport to return home.

Matsulu is different from the other townships around Mbombela. This township has local taxis (Avanzas) that transport residents throughout the night during the weekends. This minimises crime like robbery as people return home safe from partying.

In all the local hot spots, one finds local taxis parked outside, waiting to take them home, Mr Happy Thabethe a local driver “It doesn’t sit well with us to hear that girls were raped or people were mugged on their return from local clubs. That’s why it is my duty to drive people home safe and a long night of fun,” he added.

One of the proud drivers who owns an Avanza said: “It makes me happy to see young people having fun and getting back home safe. That is one reason I hardly sleep on weekends as I transport people from Chillas Corner, Mlawu, Gogo Bar until the morning,“ he said.

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He further explained that weekends are the times where he makes so much money than during the week. “I don’t worry much as I also get booked to take people to different places such as Mbombela Stadium when there’s a soccer match and trips. The people of Matsulu have really supported my business. I’m what I am because of them. I will forever be grateful,” he said.

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A commuter, Martha Khoza, who regularly goes out on weekends said: “We really appreciate the drivers for always making sure we get home safely. I never worry about transport as the local taxis are always available. Each time I go out, I make sure I have my R10 for a local taxi to go home. I have never been stranded at night. I always catch a local taxi even if it’s 02.00, they are always there parked outside ready to take us home,” she added.

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