
DA leader visits Nkomazi

Mpumalanga News learnt that such visits give residents an opportunity to voice their challenges to the political leaders , including poor service delivery and the increasing number of young people who are unemployed.

MZINTI – DA leader Mr Mmusi Maimane will today interact with the community of Mzinti in Nkomazi Local Municipality as part of the his party’s post manifesto tour.
This publication learnt that his visit is post-manifesto tour and to encourage citizens to vote for change in the upcoming local government elections.
Maimane will be accompanied by the provincial leader of the DA, Mr James Masango.
Mpumalanga News learnt that such visits give residents an opportunity to voice their challenges to the political leaders , including poor service delivery and the increasing number of young people who are unemployed.
Meanwhile yesterday the EFF leader Mr Julius Malema visited Kamhlushwa and today he is expected to be interacting with community of Barberton .


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