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Shongwe applauds Hawks for arresting drug suspect

MEC for community safety, security and liaison department, Mr Vusi Shongwe has applauded the Hawks together with Police CIG Integrity Unit for arresting a suspect in connection with drug possession.

ERMELO – MEC for community safety, security and liaison department, Mr Vusi Shongwe has applauded the Hawks  together with Police CIG Integrity Unit for arresting a suspect in connection with drug possession.

It is reported that 42-year-old Ibraimo Candeiro, a Mozambican national, was found in possession of drugs with a street value estimated at R52 million.

This arrested took place on Sunday [01 May 2016] in Chreissiesmeer near Ermelo.

According to the police the arrest comes after the police unit searched the suspect’s vehicle with South African number plate.

The police found 52 Kilograms of drugs that were concealed in an extra fuel tank and spare wheel of the vehicle.

Shongwe stated the police did outstanding work by arresting the suspect and it came at an appropriate time before he could even distribute them where ever he was travelling to.

He also commended the Hawks in the Province, stating that working hard in the fight against crime, fraud and corruption which one of government’s priorities.

Shongwe added that criminals have no place in our communities. He says government is striving for a free crime society.

He further added that drug dealers must be rooted because they destroy the dreams of our future leaders.

“By speedily prosecuting these suspects and other criminal cases, communities will continue to have faith in law enforcement agencies,” added Shongwe.

He further urged community members to come forward with names of criminals in order to get them behind bars.

He emphasized the fact that information on suspected criminals is important for the work of police and leads to arrest.

“Working together with communities, crime can be defeated,” maintained the MEC.


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