
Lily Mine husband has hope after dreaming wife is alive

Today marks exactly 77 days since the tragic Lily Mine collapse and efforts to recover the three trapped miners have so far been in vain.

LOW’S CREEK – Today marks exactly 77 days since the tragic Lily Mine collapse and efforts to recover the three trapped miners have so far been in vain.

For Pretty Nkambule’s husband, Mr Christopher Mazibuko, it’s been an emotional roller-coaster since that fateful day.

When Mpumalanga News caught up with him last week, he was evidently disheartened, saying that all his hopes of ever seeing his wife alive had been dismally crushed.

“The wait has been too long now and the thought of seeing the victims alive is far-fetched.

I have tried to remain positive and to keep my trust in God, but the fact that there is always something standing in the way of every effort made to recover them is overwhelming,” Mazibuko told this reporter.

He said that he did not know what to do on his trapped wife’s birthday which was on April 4.

“I thought of buying a cake and gather my children so we could celebrate, but I was instantly reminded that there was no reason to celebrate. She’s gone,” he added.

However, on Monday Mazibuko sang a different tune. According to him now, the victims could still be alive.

His sudden change of mind was evoked by a series of dreams he had been experiencing.

“On three consecutive nights, I dreamt of my wife pleading with me to save her and the others.

The dreams were so vivid and I swear they are alive,” he said.

Mazibuko further said his family was busy with discussions to conduct a ceremony where they would accept that their loved one is gone, but he is of the opinion that it must be put on hold because his instincts tell him a miracle could be possible.

“I know it sounds crazy and unbelievable, but those dreams have brought back my hope. My wife is still alive,” he added.

What worries the devastated husband is that it has been announced that it could take up to six months to reach the trapped miners.

While he waits, he has to keep on explaining to his little ones that an unfortunate accident is responsible for their mother’s absence.

“If only there was a way to reach to them quicker! Imagining the dread they could be going through down there tortures me,” he concluded.

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