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Women’s league opposes bail

Sambo brutally assaulted his sugar mama with a frying pan after accusing her of cheating on him.

KANYAMAZANE- Members of the ANC women’s league came in their numbers to protest against the bail application for a 31-year-old man accused of the murder of his 40-year-old lover.

Mpumalanga News learnt that the ‘Ben 10’ by the name Henry Sambo will appear in the Kanyamazane Periodic Court today after he was denied bail last week.

Sambo brutally assaulted his sugar mama with a frying pan after he accused her of cheating on him.

The whole drama started when the Ben 10 was visiting his sugar mama when he was very closed to her house he saw the a man walking in the yard of his sugar mama then he got jealous and accused her of cheating.

When police arrived on the scene the lifeless body of the woman was lying in the pool of blood on the floor and she was already dead .

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