
Bravo to Zazi campaign

We are surrounded by mines and mineworkers can be a problem because they are migrant workers who have left their families, especially wives, far back home.

I have been following with much interest articles that have been published in my favourite newspaper, Mpumalanga News about the Zazi – Know your strength campaign that is addressing problems that are affecting our girls in the community.

As a resident of Barberton, I must be quick to point out that it is very rife here that young girls are tempted to enter into relationships with older men because they pamper them with lots of money and gifts. In that instance, you as a parent, don’t have any say in whatever she is doing because you cannot match what she receives on a daily basis.

So, our girl children are there to fill those gaps and satisfy them sexually and otherwise.

We’ve also had the illegal miners who, when they’ve obtained their loot, boast around with their monies and lure these poor girls into sexual relationships. And our area is renowned for being one of the leading townships in South Africa in terms of alcohol consumption – not that I’m boasting about that, but that has been a slow killer of our girl children.

There is a high incidence of deaths of girl children through HIV/Aids-related illnesses and it is such a pathetic scenario that we are fast losing mothers of tomorrow, some of whom have left babies behind.

This Zazi campaign comes at an opportune time, but my biggest problem is: will our girls adapt to its objectives and implement them? The ball is in their court, it’s time to play and change their lives forever.

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