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Zazi tackles girls issues head on

"We mean business in rebuilding our communities."

MBOMBELA – In order to experience a long lifespan, young girls should start exercising safe sex to realise their dreams in life.

Those were the wise words of the MEC for health and social services, Candith Mashego-Dlamini to more than 450 girls from the ages of 16 to 24 at the Mbombela Stadium on Saturday during the third-leg launch of the “Zazi – Know Your Strength” HIV/Aids campaign for the Ehlanzeni district.

Most of the dialogues that were exchanged with the girls were awe-inspiring and came from the heart.

That, in turn, lived up to the main objective of the campaign, to have the girls share their life experiences pertaining to their lovelife with their peers, especially about older men, popularly referred to as “sugar daddies.”

“We come here as your open parents who can interact with you on an open platform. We know that most of you never receive any sexual talk or education from your parents.

Our research has revealed that girls in your age group are more prone to contracting the dreaded disease, HIV/Aids.

“Comparatively speaking, boys of your age group, have a far less are far less prone to contract the disease.

It clearly shows that you’re more involved with older men, your “sugar daddies” who buy you expensive gifts and pamper you with money in return for sexual favours.

“Yes, some do it because of peer pressure, while poverty leads others to engage in this kind of practice.

But we are saying, as government, that you can still be a better person without indulging in such acts. There is that inner voice in you that always guides you.

You have to listen to that voice as it will save you from a lot of problems and improve your life,” said Mashego-Dlamini.

Chief ambassador for the Zazi campaign, Miss Mpumalanga 2013, Ntandoyenkosi Kunene was also forthright with the girls when she said, “We live in difficult times and we’re referred to as the lost generation as we indulge in unsafe sexual practices. We have forgotten where we’re going in life, but we can still turn the wheel around and face the challenges. Personally, I’ve changed roles and identities in life because I learnt to discipline myself. I must hasten to say that you need to be patient in life as everything has its time. If you’re not, you’ll end up being a patient. It is time for us to take charge of our destiny. It is very important that we heed the call to protect ourselves by using condoms, if not, it will cost you your life,” she said.

During the panel discussions led by Mashego-Dlamini, Kunene, Elphas Nkosi, Dudu Mdluli, Babusisiwe Mbuli and Thuli Nigel, the

girls were forthcoming with various experiences which were expertly tackled head-on by the panel.

There was also eKasi FM’s presenter, Fortunate Nkambule who shared her life experience as a person living with Aids, but surviving and going stronger by the day.

It emerged from the dialogue that followed, as expertly directed by Mzimari Productions’ CEO, Gugu Nyarenda, that many of them have started dating from the age of 12 and it also transpired that they could not define the term “dating”. It also emerged that most of them were sexually active and uncompromising about it. Other problems that emerged ranged from the temptations of “sugar daddies” with their monies; having multiple affairs; resisting preventative measures; defying or lying to parents and overall, giving in to peer pressure.

Each local municipality nominated five coordinators to run the programme in their respective areas with the assistance of Kunene at grass-roots level, involving the parents, in the process too.

The programmes, according to Mashego-Dlamini, will be headed by the respective MMCs for social services in all 18 local municipalities in the province, and executive mayors are also expected to play a critical role in this venture. “It’s about time that we get our communities talking and in order to resolve problems on the ground. We need to save lives and we need longevity. A 100 girls drawn from the three districts will attend a camp from September 26 to 28 in Sabie, to be honed with skills in order to tackle the problems back home.

“We mean business in rebuilding our communities.

“They need us and we need them. All of these girls are Zazi ambassadors and they will articulately tackle these problems, it’s not an overnight thing, but will be an ongoing activity,” she ended.

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