Festive season safety tips from Ria Sebetsa

Local security company Ria Sebetsa would like to caution the public to take basic safety and security precautions over the holiday season.

As exciting and joyful as the festive season is, it is also a prime time for substance-fuelled gunshot wounds, knife wounds, gang violence, and car accidents.

Local security company Ria Sebetsa cautions the public to take basic safety and security precautions over the holiday season.

Ria Sebetsa offers these security tips for the festive season:

  • Ensure your alarm system is in working condition before you go away on holiday.
  • Install additional backup batteries for your alarm system as we prepare for stage 8 load-shedding.
  • Have someone you trust to look after your home when you go away on holiday.
  • Be warned of criminals impersonating police on the road, if you feel unsafe and suspect that these are criminals, then press Ria Sebetsa’s mobile panic app. This will allow Ria Sebetsa to locate your GPS and help will be on its way.
  • Avoid withdrawing cash from ATMs, rather go into the bank or into a grocery store that offers cash withdrawals.
  • Theft out of the motor vehicle – Do not leave valuables in your motor vehicle as criminals are constantly remote jamming your vehicles, rather pull on your door handles to ensure vehicle is locked.
  • When going out to the shops to conduct shopping, do not carry cash but rather use your bank cards.
  • As much as possible leave minors at home when shopping, this will help in preventing child kidnapping.
  • When travelling on the road, be courteous, follow safe following distances, and do not drink and drive.
  • Most importantly, be vigilant always

ALSO READ: Ria Sebetsa Security gives back to the community through self-defence lessons

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