Christ Church Prep and College look back at 2020

NOORDWYK – Christ Church Preparatory School and College share their 2020 year-end message.

Principal of Christ Church Preparatory School and College David Bell writes:

As we come to the end of a very challenging year, it is always good to look back on what we have achieved, despite the hurdles that have needed to be traversed, in order to arrive at the end of 2020.

Christ Church Preparatory School and College has succeeded, despite everything thrown at us. Our matric pupils are currently writing their IEB finals and all our college pupils are writing end-of-year exams with the preparatory school students starting later in the week.

This has not been an easy year, and without the dedication and commitment of all our stake holders, pupils, parents, governing body, staff and teachers, we would not be where we are today. With God’s grace and guidance, we were able to plan ahead in March, closing the school early for the Easter holidays and thereby preparing our staff to move on to an online teaching platform.

Thanks to our close community, we were able to keep track of our pupils while we were in lockdown and step in with guidance and assistance as and when required.

Although we have fared well, we have not passed through this trial without scars. We have had to tighten our belts in order to ensure success. This is obviously a common trend throughout our nation.

To our outgoing Matric group of 2020, you have shown great resilience and determination, showing that in the face of great adversity, you can succeed. This has made you stronger and will assist you in all your future endeavours. To our staff and parents, thank you for everything that you have sacrificed to ensure that together we stand stronger for the sake of the children that we all hold so dearly and love.

Next year sees Christ Church Preparatory School and College celebrating 25 years of existence. We started 25 years ago with a small group of parents who had a vision of how they felt their children should be educated. Not simply passing math and their home tongue, but teaching the Christian values that we hold so close to our hearts. This dream has been realised, and we will continue to grow from strength to strength with the Grace of our Lord.”


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