Family of a murder victim need burial assistance

IVORY PARK –The family of murder victim, Ayabonga Vellem, has requested the community's assistance to bury their child.

An Ivory Park family is in need of burial assistance after their daughter Ayabonga Vellem was murdered recently.

Vellem was found strangled to death on 10 October.

Vuyo Duva, Vellem’s sister, expressed her shock and disappointment at Vellem’s death. She said that Vellem left her child at home to go visit her friend on 9 October.

“Then when we realised that it was getting late and she still had not returned, we went to her friend around 9pm in the evening, but did not find her, she said she had just left.

“Later the next morning we found out that her body was found in Ivory Park. She never mentioned anything about anyone harassing her or having being troubled by anyone. We feel terrible about her passing because our sister was a very loving person, and loved her child, she was respectful and got along with everyone,” she added.

Lengana Mnisi, spokesperson for the EFF Ward 133, said that they had hosted a gathering in the community to try assist Vellem’s family.

Mnisi added that Vellem’s family was struggling financially and she needed to be buried in the Eastern Cape.

“Along with the community we have decided to pledge donations, the initial reason for the meeting was to discuss how to stop gender-based violence from becoming a norm in our community and seek justice for our sister. Instead we thought it would make much more sense to prioritise helping the family out.”

Mnisi added they would like to appeal to all residents and business people to assist the family with the burial. “The family is struggling financially therefore we would like assistance gathering funds for the funeral and also to transport the body to Eastern Cape.

Details: For more information on how to assist, please call Lengana Mnisi on 064 586 7258.

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