
More than business

MIDRAND – Midrand producer currently shooting his local film to motivate young people.


Local producer Simo Maholwana hopes to encourage the modern generation with his new film.

Born and bred in the Eastern Cape in Dudumashe village, the 29-year-old is the CEO of media company I Am Branded Media Production located in Midrand.

In 2014, he was invited to the Durban Film Festival where he met many people who were familiar with the film industry and motivated him to start writing his screenplay.

This led the young and vibrant entrepreneur to work on the film Dreams in reality.

Maholwana said, “Dreams in reality came about when I thought of how I made my way to Gauteng, which was the reality of leaving my home town to suffer in the streets of Johannesburg for my own future.”

He added that shooting this movie also gave young local inexperienced photographers and actors an opportunity to develop their skills and get exposure in the film industry.

Furthermore, Maholwana said the movie would teach today’s generation to recognise the opportunities when they arise and start utilising what they have to achieve what they desire.

“I have not yet worked with any famous people that are already in the industry but I am already connected to a lot of individuals who are looking forward to seeing the outcomes of my first project.”

The young entrepreneur concluded that he was also looking forward to working with up-and-coming artists and he would like to invite any organisations who would like to come on board and sponsor them to make this project successful.

Details: imbrandedmedia@gmail.com

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