How South Africans can fight debt

JOBURG – Debt is a huge concern to many South Africans. Find out how to manage your debt and make better financial choices here.


Managing debt effectively remains a key challenge for many South Africans, says Shirley Smith, Old Mutual Finance chief operating officer.

Financial Planning Week, from 2 to 8 October, aims to promote professional financial planning for all and create awareness about the value of financial education and planning. It’s an initiative of the Financial Planning Standards Board, of which Old Mutual is a key partner.

“With consumer inflation seeing a year-on-year increase of 4.6 per cent in July 2017, according to Statistics South Africa, South African households are clearly feeling the pinch, causing many of them to resort to pay-day loans at high interest rates,” Smith said.

“Incurring a huge amount of debt is an easy trap to fall into, and it plays havoc with your financial wellbeing. People need to understand that debt needs to be managed and brought under control. Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul is not a smart way to go about managing your finances.”

The 2017 Old Mutual Savings and Investment Monitor indicates that on average, working metropolitan South Africans are allocating 16 per cent of their monthly income to paying back debt.

“This is significantly high. The fact that this number has remained consistent over the past six years is concerning as it demonstrates that we are in fact trapped in a recurring cycle of debt and not properly managing our money,” explained Smith.

“Consumers need to urgently do a reconciliation of all their debt owed on a monthly basis and consider solutions to manage debt more proactively. For example, a debt consolidation loan is a useful tool that can help customers manage debt and even free up some money to start saving for future financial wellbeing goals, like retirement,” she said.

How to effectively manage your debt:

“By taking these simple steps to reduce your debt and avoiding incurring additional unnecessary debt, you will spend less on interest and be able to save or invest more money towards goals such as a comfortable retirement. Use Financial Planning Week as an opportunity to get your debt under control.”

For more information on effectively managing your finances, visit

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