Former St Peter’s College head girl promises to give her best shots in Tokyo

SUNNINGHIL – Former St Peter's College head girl described her selection to the South African water polo ladies' team as a realisation of a dream.

Former St Peter’s College head girl, Nicola MacLeod has described her selection to the South African water polo ladies’ team that will represent the country in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics as a realisation of a dream.

MacLeod was called up to join the national team in Tokyo and make her Olympic debut when the team was scheduled to face Spain in their first game on July 24. “To be honest, I never thought I would be here. With this being the first-ever SA ladies’ side sent, it always seemed like a far-fetched dream but here we are. From the moment it was on the cards, I was determined. It’s an incredible honour and I don’t even think I fully believe it yet.”

Nicola MacLeod joins SA’s 2021 Olympics team in Tokyo. Photo: Supplied

She added, “I started playing when I was 10 years old. I was a member of Wahoo Club as a swimmer and they started a club water polo programme. My cousins played and I thought that would be a cool and exciting thing to do and have never looked back since then. From then, I was pretty much hooked. I played for Gauteng from the age of 13 and made my first SA team in 2015 where I played for the U18 side. I’ve been in the system pretty much ever since.”

MacLeod promised to give her best to honour her teammates who had contracted Covid-19 at the last minute. “I am very excited to be part of the team, although circumstances aren’t amazing due to some of our team members contracting Covid-19 at the last minute, I know I’ll do them justice by playing my heart out for them and the team while I’m here.”

She concluded, “This is the best-prepared team that I have ever been a part of. I’m very excited to see what we can do together on this ultimate stage. Personally, I also know that this is the fittest and strongest team I’ve ever been part of and I am hoping to be the best team player that I can be.”

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