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Tshuma Stingers are ready for action

MIDRAND – Tshuma Stingers coach Barry Nkosi said that their team's ability to adapt and overcome gives them a competitive edge for the future.

Lockdown has had significant impacts on the Tshuma Stingers rugby team but they are committed to staying positive.

Stingers coach, Barry Nkosi explained that the pandemic has set the club back as they are yet to make up for lost time and rebuild their club. “We have had many challenges but mostly lack of game time and activities has been a hard pill to swallow for us. But, at the same time, we are thankful that no casualties were endured by our team members or our team members’ families during the pandemic.

“Right now were are waiting on the government to give the relevant unions the go-ahead so we can continue where we left off. Fixtures are not yet available, which makes the planning stage a daunting task for all of us.” Nkosi added that based on the current situation, they are not sure whether or not the season will continue.

“We started the season on a high note, with an aim to win the league. We are always striving towards building our team through discipline and sportsmanship. Nonetheless, I believe our team’s ability to adapt and overcome gives us a competitive edge for the future.”

Collette Chawatama, the full back for the team, said that the lockdown has generally been tough for him as a player. He added that they started the season on a high note with a very productive preseason training camp which resulted in them winning their first preseason game.

Chawatama explained, “With that said, the pandemic struck, and we had to go on lockdown. At the beginning of the pandemic it made it difficult to keep the fitness levels high since we did not have access to our training facilities and gyms.”

Chawatama added, “But as players, we are taught to rise above our challenges, so we managed to remain tough and encouraged each other via social media platforms and shared home workout routines, also challenging each other to workout on video.”

Chawatama concluded that with the lockdown easing up and the training gym facilities back on, he is working hard to prepare for the next rugby season. “The goal is to lift that cup again and make sure we keep it.” Details: Tshuma Stingers 078 266 0723; 079 372 6778; info@tshumastingers.co.za

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