Rand Hunt Club hosts exciting drag hunt

KNOPJESLAAGTE – Hounds follow a jackal's scent across Inanda Country Base and surrounds during a drag hunt.


Flashes of fur and tails streaked across Inanda Country Base and its surrounds as happy barking could be heard across Knopjeslaagte.

The Rand Hunt Club hosted another exciting drag hunt on a cool and breezy 20 January.

The morning kicked off with riders, who are called a variety of different terms depending on the role they play (for example the field master, huntsman, whipper-in or hack master), drinking the traditional stirrup cup drink.

Instructions and safety information were then provided by the field master.

Margie Marshall drags the scent for the hounds to follow a few minutes later. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

No live hunting takes place at the club, so a cloth bearing the scent of jackal faeces and other ingredients was dragged along the countryside.

When it was time, 18 hounds were let loose and, working together through their ‘cry’, followed the scent accurately to the end of each line.

The hounds follow the scent as fast as they can. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

They were guided and followed by riders, who were blessed with magnificent views of the hunt and the countryside, and even did a few jumps on the premises.

“It was quite windy so when the hounds lost the scent they lifted their heads, and a huntsman blew a horn to help them get back on track,” said Margie Marshall, joint master, huntsman and hunt secretary at the club.

She said the hunt was a great success, as the hounds found the end of every line, and the riders had a great time.

“Drag hunting is fun because it is a mixture of jumping and riding cross-country.

Moritz Herrmann clears a natural jump along the hunting trail. Photo Nicholas Zaal

“We are at different areas every week, which makes it exciting for me because the hounds do not know the terrain and have to work hard to find the scent.”

The hounds are ready to start. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Tracey Laurenson enjoys the drag hunt. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

For more information about the club and its future hunts visit www.randhunt.co.za

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