Football fun in the sun

KYALAMI – Kyalami Knight Riders is bought by two soccer clubs to bring something new to soccer-crazy kids in the area.


Football fun and sensational soccer skills were the order of the day when Kyalami Knight Riders held its open day, along with soccer drills and games on a sunny 17 February.

The club was recently bought by Northerns Football Club and Little Kickers, but the only thing that changes is that the youngsters will have fun in different ways now.

Former club owner, Peter Grgin helped run the open day at Kyalami Estates with new owners Theodora Crozét (Northerns Football Club) and Manuela Jardim (Little Kickers).

Also read: Kyalami Knight Riders and Cedar Lakes Football Club soccer match 

Despite the change, it was easy to see that there are no hard feelings between the coaches, and they are all three good friends.

“Today is about introducing ourselves to the estates and making sure everyone has fun on the field,” said Jardim.

Crozét added that the event was a great success, with several enrollments and eager parents and children, while even more youngsters will join at the end of February when some other sports take a break.

Also read: Simply the best 

Players aged 18 months to seven years will now form a club called Little Kickers Kyalami Knight Riders, which will be a feeder for Northerns Kyalami Knight Riders, which will have players eight to 13 years old.

Little Kickers Knight Riders owner, Manuela Jardim, Kyalami Knight Riders former owner Peter Grgin, and Northerns Kyalami Knight Riders owner, Theodora Crozét are excited to bring a new soccer format to Kyalami Estates. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Michael Kritsiotis shoots at goal during a drill. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

These two groups will get to play in tournaments with other Little Kickers and Northerns Football Club teams in the Fourways and Midrand area.

The outgoing Grgin said he was looking to manage his workload with the goal to retire in a few years.

Grgin still owns soccer clubs at Eagle Canyon Golf and Lifestyle Estate, and Cedar Lakes, and coaches privately.

The spirit of friendship was not lost on the players, and encouragement was shared with every goal scored and successful throw-in or dribble.

Prizes were awarded to the players who scored the most goals or completed the most drills.

Also read: Little Kickers is back again 

Coach, Aphiwe Mali demonstrates a drill before the players try it out. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Michael Kritsiotis takes the game on with intensity at Kyalami Estates. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Tumisho Boikanyo practises his throw-ins. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Josh Kritsiotis dribbles the ball through the cones. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

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