
Midrand needs a fresh start

MIDRAND - As the community took a breather over the December period, it seems service delivery in Midrand mostly did too.

Midrand Reporter’s inbox is overflowing with complaints of issues that were unattended over the festive period.

Illegal dumping hotspots increased in size and, ironically, even land under a ‘No dumping’ sign was also used to dump unwanted waste.

There were reports that those who did not treat the dustbin workers to a Christmas tip, were in turn treated to an overflowing dustbin as the workers neglected to collect the bins – despite Pikitup’s request that residents should not give the workers money. Pikitup has since issued an apology for its workers’ behaviour.

Potholes have surfaced on many roads – one even caused a motorist R12 000 in damage.

Community members also relaxed on bylaws: for example, setting off fireworks in the Greater Kyalami Conservancy – a no firework zone. In return, pets went astray, many were run over by motorists, and some are still missing – making Midrand SPCA staff run off their feet.

An influx of pets at the SPCA meant pet food is also running low.

Meanwhile, Midrand police maintained vigilance, and were joined by security companies in a crime fighting effort called the Midrand Protectors. They focused on burglaries, liquor outlets, drugs, knives, and other petty crime. While incidents did occur, it was mostly quiet and the community felt safer knowing that people in uniform were there to help. Thank you, Midrand police.

A new year beckons a fresh start and a rejuvenated vitality to service delivery and for all sectors of the community to take responsibility. So, here’s to a new year; a willingness to work together to make Midrand the best it can be and a reminder that our inbox is always open – tell us your news: the good, the bad, and the ugly.


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