Curro Midrand learner is King of SA and Mr Northern Gauteng

Curro Midrand Halfway Gardens Primary School community is immensely proud of Seth Morgan's accomplishments and looks forward to seeing him excel in the future.

The Curro Midrand Halfway Gardens Primary School community is thrilled to announce the remarkable achievements of its learners in recent competitions.

One learner, Seth Morgan, has made the school especially proud with his outstanding performance in two competitions held in Pretoria on October 21.

Seth competed in the boys’ category for ages four to 10 and emerged as the victor in both competitions, earning the titles of King of SA and Mr Northern Gauteng.

Seth Morgan is the new King of SA and Mr Northern Gauteng.

His success did not stop there, as he also won the awards for Best Dressed and Mr Personality.

Seth’s incredible talent and undeniable confidence on the runway have noticeably improved despite his young age and relatively short time in the industry.

The school recognises that Seth’s achievements would not have been possible without the guidance and support of his coach, Aunt Valerie from Vogue Modelling School.

She has seen tremendous potential and a positive attitude in Seth that could lead to remarkable achievements in the future.

In recognition of his outstanding accomplishments, Seth was presented with six well-deserved trophies and cash prizes.

It is worth noting that the unconditional support and encouragement of Seth’s family have been crucial to his success.

The most heartwarming moment of the October 21 competitions was seeing Seth’s mother joining him on the runway, cheering him on.

The mutual support and encouragement between mother and son brought out the best in both of them.

Seth’s impressive victory follows his earlier win at the Frosted Divas and Kings modelling competition earlier this year.

The school community is immensely proud of Seth’s accomplishments and looks forward to seeing him excel in the near future.

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